The DBA collaborates with other organizations in the community to fulfill its purpose. Together with its partners and Downtown residents, DBA is working to create a thriving Downtown where people work, live, shop and play.
Monthly membership meetings have proven to be great business and community networking. Join us today to make a better Bremerton!
Please note that all future DBA membership meetings will be held on Zoom!* If you have a suggested topic that you want to share, please reach out to Erinn Hale ( to be included in future agendas.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 7087 4968
Passcode: 552487
This meeting ID and passcode are the same every month, so please feel free to add this to your personal calendar for every 4th Tuesday at 9:00am.
*Since we are only offering online meetings, we are looking forward to hosting DBA Membership Meet-ups once a quarter. If you'd like to host one, please contact Erinn Hale ( If you have any questions or concerns on this matter, please connect with a board member.
Today, the DBA is focused on Downtown economic and quality-of-life issues. Preserving the history of Downtown Bremerton, as well as educating the public of the uniqueness of our City's core, is part of our mission.